


At the present time, the Final hell, the "Gehenna" or "Lake of Fire," is unoccupied. The very first ones who will be cast into it will be the "Beast" and the "False Prophet." (Revelation 19:20): Satan and his angels will be cast into it a thousand years later. (Revelation 20:10). And then, all the wicked (those who will be delivered up from HADES the PRESENT HELL, whose names will not be found written in the "Book of Life") after the "Great White Throne Judgment," will be cast into the "Lake of Fire" to spend eternity. (Revelation 20:12-15).

In the Old Testament Hebrew this place is called "Tophet." (Jeremiah 7:31-32; 19:6, 11-14; Isaiah 30:33; II Kings 23:10). In the New Testament Greek it is called "Gehenna" twelve times. The words "Lake of Fire" are used five times to describe it.

The word used by Christ for the "final hell" was the New Testament Greek word, "Gehenna," not "Hades." This Greek word "Gehenna" is from the Hebrew word "Ghi-Hinnom" or "Valley of Hinnom," which was on the south side of the city of Jerusalem. In the valley there was a certain high place called "Tophet," and during the times of Isaiah and Jeremiah, there were numbers of backslidden parents who forced their children to pass through the fire in worship of the false god Molech (II Kings 23:10). According to Isaiah 30:33, this fire was kindled with brimstone. The valley afterward became a place for the burning of the garbage and refuse of the city of Jerusalem. The garbage of the city was thrown over the wall into the valley below where the fires were kept burning continually. Some of the garbage and decaying matter would lodge on the rocks of the wall and breed worms. Jesus used this valley (Ghi-Hinnom in Hebrew Gehenna in Greek) as a type of "Hell" or the "Lake of Fire." Therefore we read the expression in Mark 9:43-48. "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."

The following are passages in which Christ used the Greek word "Gehenna."

Matthew 5:22, "But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother Raca, shall be in danger of the council, but whosoever shall say, "thou fool," shall be in danger of hell fire." (Gehenna).

Matthew 5:29, "And if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out, and cast it from thee; for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." (Gehenna). Also Matthew 5:30.

Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Gehenna).

Matthew? 18:9, "And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee; it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than halving two eyes to be cast into hell fire." (Gehenna).

Matthew 23:15, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! for ye compass sea ana Jand to make one proselyte and when he is made ye make him twofold more the child of hell (Gehenna) than yourselves."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell." (Gehenna).

Mark 9:43, "And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off, it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands and go into Hell, (Gehenna) into the fire that never shall be quenched." ,

Luke 12:5, "But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear,... . Fear him which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell (Gehenna). Yea, I say unto you, fear him."

These passages which use the Greek word "Gehenna" for the final hell are thus clearly distinguished from the passages which use the Greek word "Hades" for the present hell


Revelation 20:15, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Mark 9:43, 45, "Into the fire that never shall be quenched."

Matthew 5:22, "Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell (Gehenna) fire"

Matthew 18:8, "To be cast into everlasting fire"

Matthew 18:9, "Hell (Gehenna) fire"

Matthew 3:12, "He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

Mark 9:44, 46, 48, "Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."

Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire"

Matthew 25:46, "And these shall go away into everlasting fire"

Revelation 21:8, "The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death."

Matthew 13:41-41, "Them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

The great question in most people's minds seems to beis this hell "fire" a literal "flame" or is it "symbolical" of a punishment as severe as "literal fire"?

Study the following passages carefully:

James 3:6, "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity; so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell."

Would it seem from this that hell "fire" is a literal flame?

Would you insist that the word "fire" in all of the following passages must mean a literal flame of fire?

Psalm 78:21, "Therefore the Lord heard this, and was wroth; so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel."

I Peter 1:7, "That the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."

Psalm 104:4, "Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire."

I Corinthians 3:13, "Every man's work shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is."

Hebrews 12:29, "For our God is a consuming fire." Jeremiah 23:29.

Zechariah 13:9. Psalms 66:10-12.

We could hardly insist that the word "fire" in all of the above passages must mean a literal burning fire.

In view of the symbolic use of the word "fire" as shown above, it would seem that the references to hell "fire" are an intense symbol of the agony and suffering of hell.

Let it be clearly understood that just because it is believed that this word "fire" is symbolic, we are not trying to show that the punishment of hell will be less severe than it would be if there were literal flames. But on the contrary, if this "fire" is symbolic, then the punish- ment will be all the greater because the reality is always greater than the symbol. So if this "fire" is merely - a figurative expression, it must stand for some great reality, some great suffering, and what an awful thing the punishment symbolized by fire must be. So whether we believe in literal fire or not, the fact of terrible punishment remains.

Because we do not necessarily believe in the literal fire of hell, some may think that we are recanting or are giving up the old-fashioned doctrines of eternal punishment. However, that is not so in the least. Whether the "fire" spoken of is literal or figurative, the fact remains that there is severe eternal punishment of hell. For those who are willing to study their Bibles, and face the issue squarely, it seems clear, from the scriptures given above, that this fire is figurative.


The condition of the lost is described in words such as these.

"Cast into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

These two terms are found together seven times. Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28.

For anyone to say there is no future punishment of hell for the wicked is to ignore scores of plain statements in the Bible.

The scriptural fact, that there is a place of punishment into which the wicked will be cast after their judgment, cannot be denied. And according to the Biblical description of that place, neither can anyone deny the fact of the dreadfulness and severity of the punishment. The next fact to be established will be that the punishment of hell will be eternal. However, before we establish this fact that the wicked are to suffer in hell eternally, just as the righteous are to enjoy heaven eternally, we must give Bible answers to those who have theories and

doctrines which they think prove that the punishment of the wicked will not be eternal.


Of the various false theories concerning the final destiny of the wicked, one of the most often heard of is the annihilation theory. The word "annihilate" means to reduce to nothing, to wipe out of existence. Those who believe in the annihilation theory believe that the wicked will be annihilated, or put out of existence.

There are many forms of this annihilation theory they vary in detail. Some teach that the wicked are annihilated at death, never to be brought back into existence. Then there are those (like Rutherford) who teach that the wicked are annihilated at death, but that they will all be recreated and restored to consciousness, and given a second chance for salvation. This "re-creation" or "bringing back into existence and restoring to consciousness" is called "resurrection" by Rutherford.

This would not be a "Resurrection" because, according to his teaching, tfie wicked are out of existence. Therefore they would have to be "re- created" to be brought back into existence.

Rutherford teaches that after the wicked have been "re-created" they will be given a trial for life, as a second chance, or as Russell says. "an opportunity to gain everlasting life, under favorable terms." The Bible says no such thing. This is what Russell calls "the judgment." And according to this false theory, those who refuse the second chance for eternal life, will be cast into the lake of fire, and will be annihilated. To be cast into the lake of fire, according to the Bible, is called "the second death." And Rutherford and Russell try to make out that this "second death" means that the wicked, who will be cast into the lake of fire, will be annihilated that is, consciousness and existence will both end they will cease to exist. Here it is in Russell's own words. "The penalty of the second chance for life will be the second death, which is annihilation."

The 'first part of Rutherford's theory has already been exposed, for we have learned from our study thus far that the Bible teaches that after death, the soul is conscious, and it has been said the Bible nowhere teaches a "second chance." Now let us prove from the Bible that the Annihilationists are wrong when they say that the wicked will be annihilated when they are cast into the lake of fire.

These false teachers in quoting scriptures which apply to the final destiny of the wicked, try to prove that the wicked will be annihilated, by saying that words such as "destroy," "destruction," "perish," "consume," mean annihilation.

For example, in the following scripture which applies to the ungodly, they say that the word "destruction" means annihilation.

II Thessalonians 1:9, "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction (annihilation)." This is supposed to teach that the wicked will be annihilated or put out of existence. Likewise, the word "des- troyed" is also claimed to teach that the wicked will be annihilated or put out of existence. And because several passages infer that the wicked are to "perish" and are to be "consumed" it is argued that they must therefore, go out of existence. But such an interpretation is not true. We shall prove from the Bible that the words


The following little test shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that these words do not mean annihilation, for if they did, the entire Bible would be turned into nothing more than nonsense.

In the following scriptural references the word "annihilate" or "annihilation" is substituted for the word "destroyed" or "destruction."

Remember, annihilation means putting out of existence.

Psalms 78:45. "He sent frogs among them (the Egyptians) which destroyed (annihilated) them." If the word "destroyed" meant annihilation, the frogs, according to the above illustration, must have been endowed with the power to put the Egyptians out of existence.

Job 19:10, "Thou has destroyed (annihilated) me on every side." Again, if the word "destroyed" means annihilation, he was put out of existence on every side, yet he lived to tell about it.

Job 21:17, "How oft destruction (annihilation) cometh upon them." How could they be put out of existence many times?

Isaiah 34:2, "For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, he hath utterly destroyed (annihilated) them." Here again, if the word "destroyed" meant annihilation the nations were put out of existence, yet they are still here.

Jeremiah 17:18, "Destroy (annihilate) them with double destruction" (annihilation). They were doubly put out of existence. How absurd!

Hebrews 2:14 says that Christ came to destroy the devil. But did Christ "annihilate" him? Did He put him out of existence? No! The devil is still in existence, and from Revelation 20:10, we see that he will be in existence forever and ever.

Now then, if the words "destroy" and "destruction" in all these instances cannot possibly be forced to mean annihilation (cessation of existence) without making the scriptures into nonsense, then they cannot be forced to mean annihilation when applied to everlasting punishment of the wicked. II Thessalonians 1:9 "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power." But in answer to this scripture, those who teach annihilation will say that no man can be put away from the presence of an omnipresent God without being put out of existence. Let us turn to Genesis 4:16, and we shall see that a man can be put out of the presence of an omnipresent God, and still not be annihilated -- put out of existence.

"Cain went out from the presence of the Lord," According to these false teachers and their interpretation, Cain would have been annihilated, put out of existence, when he went out from the presence of the Lord, but according to the scripture, we find that he lived after that in the land of Nod, and had a family.

The divine presence is more powerfully and gloriously manifest in heaven than anywhere else, and it is from this presence that the unjust will be forever banished.

We have seen that the words "destroy" or "destruction" never mean annihilation.

Now let us prove from the Bible that


Those who teach that the wicked will be annihilated, or put out of existence, after they are cast into the lake of fire, say that this word "perish" signifies this going out of existence. For example, in John 3:16 "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." In other words, the scripture implies, that the wicked will perish. And Rutherford says that, quote, "To perish means to go out of existence for ever."

But we shall see this is not so. The word "perish" does not mean annihilation, or non-existence.

The word for "perish" in the original Greek is "apollumi." It denotes "ruin" or "rendering unfit for the intended use," not going out of exis- tence. For example, Matthew 9:17, the bottles (the old wine skins) into which the new wine is put, are said to break. "The bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles 'perish."' If the bottle, (the wine skin) is broken, it is just rendered unfit for its intended use, it has not been annihilated, or reduced to positively nothing. In Mark's account of this same word, "apollumi" is translated "marred" instead of "perish."

Here is another test to prove that the word "perish" does not mean annihilation. The prodigal son, in Luke 15:17, said, "I perish with hunger." Was the prodigal son about to be annihilated from hunger?

In II Peter 3:6 we read, "the world being overflowed with water, perished." But, reader, was the earth annihilated, or reduced to nothing? No! From all indications it is still here.

Of the heavens and earth, it is said, "they shall perish." Hebrews 1:11, and yet when this perishing is explained, it is said, "they. shall be changed."

The word "perish" never means annihilation.

In Matthew 10:6, 15:24, this same word "apollumi" is translated "lost" instead of "perish." "Go gather the lost sheep." If the sheep were annihilated, or out of existence, how could anyone gather them? In Luke 15:24 the prodigal son is said to be "lost," yet he was not out of existence.

It has been shown that the word "PERISH" as well as the word "destroy" and "destruction" cannot possibly be forced to mean annihilation. Now let us prove from the Bible that


In the following test substitute the word "annihilation" for the word "consumed" and we shall see that the word "consumed," whenever it is used; in speaking of the wicked does not mean that they will be annihilated or reduced to nothing.

David said, "I shall one day be consumed by the hand of Saul." I Samuel 27:1. Surely David did not expect Saul to annihilate him.

The Psalmist said, "Mine eye is consumed." Psalm 6:7, and "My bones are consumed." Psalm 31:10. And yet neither his eye nor his bones were annihilated (put out of existence).

God said of the Children of Israel, "I have consumed them in mine anger," though they were then living by the hundreds of thousands.

"Take heed," says the apostle, "that ye be not consumed one of another." Galatians 5:15. Were they to take heed that they should not annihilate one another?

The Anti-Christ, "whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming" will not be annihilated, or put out of existence, for we find that the Anti- Christ, a thousand years later will be in the lake of Fire and brimstone. Revelation 20:10. The word consume cannot possibly denote annihilation.

Once again, the teachers of this annihilation theory tell us the words "burned up" used in reference to the wicked, must mean they will be put out of existence.

Malachi 4:1. "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch,"

In the first place it may be said that a literal burning cannot annihilate anything. A building may be destroyed by fire; but, as science clearly teaches, no particle of the matter is annihilated. Wood may be placed in the fire, and by the process of combustion, it may be decomposed, and its elements scattered in the form offlame, and vapor, and smoke, and ashes, but nothing goes out of existence. Things pass from one form of existence into another, but are not reduced to nothing only the "form of its existence is changed." So in reality, there is no annihilation of anything. Nothing can be annihilated, only changed in form.

In our discussion in the beginning of the chapter, it was said that this "fire" of hell was probably an intense symbol of the terrible reality of the suffering of hell, rather than a literal flame. In this view, the burning up here referred to would symbolize a severe and dreadful punishment.

But even if this were a literal fire, which is not probable, it is still evident that the "burning up" could not possibly mean that the wicked are to be annihilated, or are to cease to exist, for we have seen that nothing can be annihilated.

We have learned that the words "destroy," "destruction" and "perish" never mean annihilation, or blotting out of existence. They simply denote "to ruin" or "to render unfit for the intended use" or "to change the form of existence."

The same word for "destroy" is translated "make without effect" in Romans 3:3, and "make void" in Romans 3:31. In every case it means "to render powerless or inoperative." It has no reference to ceasing to exist. So these words when they are applied to the destiny of the wicked, cannot mean they will be put out of existence, or reduced to nothing, but that in some way or another they will suffer a dreadful change. The words "destroy," "perish," "consume" can only denote the calamity, distress, tribulation and anguish the wicked will know, but they cannot denote annihilation.

Furthermore, the annihilation theory contradicts the Bible teaching that there are degrees of reward and punishment. In Romans 2:6, we are told that God "will render to every man according to his deeds," and inRevelation 20:13 it says that "they are judged every man according to their works." But if the wicked are to be annihilated (put out of existence) they will be punished every man alike.

Another of the false theories concerning the final destiny of the wicked is the


This theory teaches that after a lapse of time after the wicked have been punished in the Gehenna of fire a sufficient length of time for their sins, and after they have been purged or purified, they will be brought out and transferred to heaven. Those who believe in this restoration theory use several passages which they try to tell us teach that the wicked will be reconciled to God.

Acts 3:21. "Whom (Christ) the Heaven must receive until the Times of the Restitution of ALL THINGS, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began."

Those who teach the restoration theory, claim that "All Things" includes Satan, his angels, and all the wicked, and that at a time of restitution (restoration) they will be restored and reconciled to God. But if we carefully examine the text, the true meaning is very clear. The next clause says that the restoration is to be only of all things '"which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets." We can find nowhere in the Bible where "God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets" that He would restore the "wicked" and "Satan and his Angels" to everlasting righteousness after they have been punished for a certain length of time, but Revelation 20:10 says that the punish- ment will be for ever and ever.

It is also plain that this reconciliation refers to those who have been reconciled to God through Christ. From II Corinthians 5:17-21 which speaks of those who are new creatures in Christ those who have been born again, it is clear that they are the ones who have been reconciled to God through Christ, not the wicked.

"God who hath reconciled us (Christians) to himself by Jesus Christ." "In Christ's stead be ye (Christians) reconciled to God." In Colossians 1:20-21 those who are reconciled are the ones who were at one time aliens and enemies by wicked works but who now have made peace through the blood of His cross.

This reconciliation to God is not a hope to be realized by the lost in hell, but it is for all who have been reconciled to God through Christ.

Those who believe in the restoration theory try to use Philippians 2:10-11, and Revelation 5:13, to show that the wicked will be restored to heaven.

"At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord."

The fact that all will not confess that Christ is Lord does not imply in the least that the lost, who are compelled to admit it, will be taken to heaven. For the lost to confess that Christ is Lord does not mean that they will have a change of heart or will be born again. Repentance and faith in Christ are necessary to keep out of hell. The Bible says, "Repent or ye shall likewise perish." "God commandeth all men everywhere to repent." It is repentance that leads to a change of heart and salvation, and according to the example of the Bible, a period of suffering never has or never will cause repentance. In every instance where suffering was inflicted upon the wicked to make them repent, the punishment hardened the wicked, instead of causing them to become penitent.

. An example is the wicked in the Book of Revelation who suffered from the plagues. Instead of repenting and calling on God, they cried for the rocks and mountains to fall on them and hide them from God. Revelation 6:16-17. And when the plague of hail came, instead of repenting, they blasphemed God. Revelation 16:21. And even Satan after suffering 1000 years in the bottomless pit, comes out as wicked as he ever was. Revelation 20:7-8.

The fact that the lost as well as Satan will confess that Christ is Lord, does not mean in the least that they will be taken to heaven. The Bible plainly shows that Satan is to be tormented in the lake of fire for ever and ever. Revelation 20:10, and we shall learn that the punishment of the lost will also be for ever and ever.

Jesus said concerning Judas Iscariot, who in advance of all others received the sentence of condemnation, Matthew 26:24,

"It had been good for that man if he had not been born."

If Judas suffered torments for ages, and then if he were transferred to heaven as the restoration theory teaches, even then it could still be said that it was good for him to have been born, instead of good for him not to have been born.

We have learned according to the Bible that the wicked, after they have been cast into the lake of fire, wilt neither be annihilated nor later restored to heaven. Now let us prove from the Bible that


The final hell is a place of eternal duration just as the final heaven is a place of eternal duration. There can be no eternal heaven without its counterpart, eternal hell. The one demands the other. People are quite ready to accept eternal rewards for righteousness, but will back off in horrified amazement at the thought of eternal punishment for sin. If it is eternal in the one case, why not in the other? If the life is eternal for the righteous, why would the punishment not be eternal for the sinner? We must be reasonably logical. If the punishment of hell is not eternal, what was the purpose of Christ's supreme sacrifice on Calvary? Christ suffered, agonized, and died on Calvary's cross to save men from hell. Certainly Christ died in vain He paid too great apriceHe made too supreme a sacrifice, if there is no eternal hell from which to save men. It is true, God is love. But God is also just. He must keep the righteous from the wicked. Thus it is necessary that they be separated for all eternity.

God has given the doctrine of eternal punishment and we cannot. teach otherwise.

Here are Christ's own words. Matthew 25:46. "And these (the wicked) shall go away into EVERLASTING punishment, but the righteous into life ETERNAL"

These words are spoken primarily of "The Nations," however they also apply to individuals.

Now let us notice these two words EVERLASTING and ETERNAL in the above passage. The punishment of the wicked is EVERLASTING, and the life of the righteous is ETERNAL.

When we examine this passage in the original Greed, we find these two words, EVERLASTING and ETERNAL are not two different words, but are both the SAME Greek word, "AIONIOS." The one Greek word "aionios," which appears twice in the passage, is translated one time EVERLASTING, and the other time, ETERNAL. It is the same Greek word in both cases, therefore both should be translated by the same word ETERNAL.

From this information the following fact can be established, the punishment of the wicked will be JUST EXACTLY as long as the life of the righteous, because the same Greek word "aionios" is used for both. CHRIST STATED THESE FACTS IN THE ONE SENTENCE and used the same qualifying word for both. The punishment of the wicked MUST be exactly as long as the life of the righteous.

Those who teach that the punishment of the wicked will not be endless or forever and ever try to prove this by saying that the word "aionios" only means "age-long," or "for a period," not for ever and ever. It is true that this word "aionios" is from the word "aion," which means age. But this word "age" is the only one in Greek that can be used to express the idea of "eternal" or "everlasting." It is the only way in Greek to say "eternal" or "everlasting."

Now to prove that .this word "age," "aion" (which was the only word the Greeks had to express eternal or everlasting) stands for endless duration and not for just an age or period that is to end, we need only to point out that in the New Testament it is used 71 times, and in all but four places, is translated "eternal" or "everlasting," meaning endless duration. No other meaning could possibly suit the context. The word in all these cases cannot possibly mean just "age-long" or "for a period" without throwing the scripture into confusion. In the cases where the word is used to mean "for an - age or period that is to come to an end," the rest of the verse makes this clear. (Matthew 24:3; 28:20). But when it is applied to human destiny, the rest of the verse shows that it does not mean "age-long" or "for a period." For example, II Corinthians 4:18, "the things which are seen are temporal and the things which are not seen are eternal." Here the word "aions" (eternal) is in sharp contrast with that which is "temporary" or "for a period." It can easily be seen in the example above that the word "aions" does not mean a limited period, but endless duration.

Remember, Christ in the same sentence used the Greek word "aionios" both for the "eternal" punishment of the wicked, and for the "eternal" life of the righteous. And here is positive proof this word stands for "endless duration," and not for an age or period that is to come to an end.

This word is the very same word we find in Romans 16:26, "the commandment of the everlasting (aionios) God." Now then, if the word means endless duration when applied to the existence of God, and if it means endless duration when applied to the existence of the righteous, then it also means endless duration when applied to the existence and punishment of the wicked, for the very identical word is used in all cases.

If any say that the word "aionios," before punishment of the wicked, means only an age or period that will come to an end, not endless duration, then the existence of God will be only age-long, not endless, and the existence of the righteous in heaven will be only age-long, not endless, for the very same word is used in all cases. If "Hell" is to be blotted out, "Heaven" must necessarily be blotted out, and God must come to an end. Such an idea is positively contrary to scripture.


Here is another positive proof that the punishment of the wicked will be of "endless duration," or "for ever and ever." The expression "for ever and ever" in the Greek is (eis tous aionas ton aionon). The words "aionas" and "aionon" come from the Greek word for "age." Thus the expression is translated "unto the Ages of the Ages." It positively expresses "endless duration," "eternity."

This expression "forever and ever" (eis tous aionas ton aionon) or "unto the ages of the ages" is used in speaking of the sinful followers of the Anti-Christ. (Revelation 14:11). "And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever, they have no rest day or night."

The expression is also used of Satan (Revelation 20:10) "and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

It is also used of Christ, Revelation 1:18. "I am He that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore."

This' expression is also used of the existence of God. He is called the God "who liveth for ever and ever," (Revelation 4:9-10; 5:14; 10:6; 15:7).

This same expression "for ever and ever" is used of the righteous. (Revelation 22:5). "They shall reign for ever and ever."

This scripture definitely shows that the righteous are to live "for ever and ever." Now then, we can use this as a proof to show the wicked will be punished "for ever and ever." Here is the importance of the very first fact which was established in our discussion of endless punishment. It was the fact that "'the punishment of the wicked will be Just exactly as long as the life of the righteous" inasmuch as the same Greek word "aionios" (eternal) is used in both cases (eternal punishment life eternal). Christ stated the two facts in the same sentence.

How long will the life of the righteous be? Revelation 22:5 says, "forever and ever." Then the punishment of the wicked will also be, "forever and ever."

In other words, since the punishment of the wicked will be just exactly as long as the life of the righteous, then the punishment of the wicked will be "for ever and ever," because the life of the righteous, as shown above, will be "forever and ever." Remember, the expression "forever and ever" (eis tous aionas ton aionon) or "Unto the Ages of the Ages" positively expresses "endless duration."


"And these (the wicked) shall go away into everlasting punishment." Matthew 25:46.

"Them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . shall be punished with everlasting destruction." II Thessalonians 1:8-9.

"Some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting contempt." Daniel 12:2.

"But 'he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation." Mark 3:29.

"Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41.

"To be cast into everlasting fire." Matthew 18:8.

"To whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever." Jude 13.

"God shall likewise destroy thee forever." Psalm 52:5. (Remember from our discussion of annihilation we learned that the word "destroy" does not mean annihilation).

"When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish, it is that they shall be destroyed forever" Psalm 92:7.

"Into the fire that never shall be quenched." Mark 9:43 and 45.

"Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:44,46,48.

It has been shown that the wicked, after they have been cast into the lake of fire, the final hell, will neither be annihilated nor later transferred to Heaven, but their punishment will be endless, for ever and ever.

The annihilationist, in speaking of this everlasting punishment, as it is referred to in Matthew 25:46, and II Thessalonians 1:9, would say that the "everlasting" refers to the "results or consequences" of that punishment and not to the punishment itself. They say the punishment is "annihilation," and this punishment is everlasting

in the sense that the wicked will be everlastingly annihilated (out of existence). In other words, the banishment to hell is eternal punishment in the sense that the wicked will be eternally annihilated, not eternally suffering.

But reader, this cannot possibly be true --

Annihilation would be ended punishment rather than endless punishment. The Bible states it is the "punishment" itself, and not the consequences, that is everlasting. And besides, there is no such thing as "unconscious" punishment.

Anything that is "unconscious" cannot be punished. A brick or a house cannot be punished. Punishment can take place only where there is consciousness.

It is a very remarkable fact that the ministers and churches who have believed most firmly in the doctrine of eternal punishment, have been the most influential in leading sinners to Christ, the Saviour.


Here is a note of interest in regard to the attitude of unbelievers toward the Biblical doctrine of hell. Those who at one time denounced Christianity, the Bible, and its teaching concerning the punishment of the wicked, when faced with death, expressed in their dying words their belief in hell. Here are the dying words of some well known infidels. ..

"Oh the insufferable pangs of hell. Oh eternity, forever and forever." -- Newport. "I would gladly give one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to have it proved there is no hell."

-- Charteres. "I would gladly give worlds, if I had them, if 'The Age of Reason' had not been published. 0 Lord, help me. Christ, help me. Stay with me. It is hell to be left alone."

-- Tom Paine. "I am abandoned by God and man. 0 Christ, 0 Christ Jesus." He then said, "Doctor, I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months of life." The doctor answered, "Sir, you cannot live six weeks." Voltaire replied, "Then I shall go to hell," and soon after expired.

Here is a statement that should set everyone to serious thinking. It is the plain teaching of the Bible that


Here are Christ's words, John 3:3.

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." "He cannot" is expressed in the Greek by "ou dunatie" and means "it is not possible." It is not possible for a man to see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

Again Christ says, speaking of sinners who will die in their sins, John 8:21: "I go away, and ye will seek me, and ye will die in your sins; where I go away to (Heaven) ye are not able to come (literal translation)." This shows that if men die in their sins, they must be shut out of heaven forever, for they can never go where Jesus is.

From our study of the rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31, we see there are no conversions in the realm of the lost.

The climax to this thought, that heaven is forever closed to those who die unsaved, is found in the words of the Apostle John when he declares concerning the dead. Revelation 22:11, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still." These words prove most conclusively that as we die we must remain all through eternity; death does not change character, it only petrifies it.

We have learned from our Bibles that heaven will be forever closed to those who die unsaved. Those who die in their sins must remain that way forever. Heaven is not a place for a sinner to slip into without any preparation. To abide in heaven after death, and to be safe for eternity, demands preparation, and that preparation must take place here in this life. "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." II Corinthians 6:2. "Prepare to meet thy God." Amos 4:12.

Dear reader, do not delay face the issue squarely. Are you prepared to die? Where will you spend eternity, in heaven or in hell? Why not make heaven your home? A little preparation on your part will give you the assurance of heaven, and you can know beyond a shadow of doubt that you are saved, and are ready to meet your Maker. God's way of salvation is so plain that though a man be a fool he need not err therein. God's way is marked in plain red it is the way of Christ and His shed blood. Jesus said "I am the way." John 14:6.

According to the Bible everyone is accountable to God. Romans 14:12 says, "Everyone shall give account of himself to God," and "the scripture hath concluded all under sin." Galatians 3:22. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. "There is no man that sinneth not." I Kings 8:46. "If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." I John 1:8. "If we say we have not sinned we make him (Christ) a liar." I John 1:10; Romans 5:12.

The Bible says all are under sin, and none can be saved by his own good works. Titus 3:5, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us." Ephesians 2:8, "For by grace ye are saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast." Our good works or our righteousness will not obtain salvation for us. For "Our righteousness is as filthy rags in His sight." Isaiah 64:6.

Alas, how many have depended upon their own good works and self righteousness for salvation. Many depend upon their church mem- bership. Others depend upon their good living in being respectable citizens of the community in supporting their families and, in con- tributing to the poor and to the upkeep of the Church. Good works is not salvation but is the result of salvation. Salvation depends not upon our merit, but upon the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ. Many have attended church for years and still have never accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Many have never known they must be born again to be saved. John 3:3, "Except a man be born again he cannot (it is not possible for him to) see the kingdom of God." (Read John 3:3-8) "Born again, not of corruptible seed." I Peter 1:23. But born of God. John 1:13.

A. What does it mean to be born again?

What is regeneration, or the new birth? Regeneration is not baptism, or confirmation, neither is it reformation. Regeneration is not the old nature altered, reformed or re-invigorated. It is not a reforming process on the part of man, and it is not a natural forward step in Man's development. Regeneration is a new birth from above, and is a supernatural creative act on the part of God. The sinner receives a new nature God's nature, and he is a new creature, and puts on the new man which God creates after holiness and righteousness.

"A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you"; Ezekiel 36:26. "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things pass away and behold all things become new." II Corinthians 5:17. Ephesians 4:24.

By regeneration, or the new birth, we are admitted into the kingdom of God. There is no other way of becoming a Christian, but by being born of the Spirit of God. As we can only enter this world by the process of natural birth so we can only enter the Kingdom of God by the process of spiritual birth. Too often we find other things such as good works, reformation, or baptism, substituted by man for God's appointed way of becoming a child of God. To be a child of God one must be born of the Spirit of God.

Jesus said, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." No age, sex, position, condition, exempts anyone from this necessity. Not to be born again is to be lost. There is no substitute for the new birth, Paul said. "Neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature." That is the all important thing, being a new creature in Christ. The Saviour didn't say ye ought to be born again, or it would be good for you to be born again, He said, "ye must be born again." John 3:7.

B. Why is the New Birth necessary?

It is necessary that man be born again because the Bible teaches that man is dead in trespasses and sins. Man is considered dead spiritually until he is born again until he passes from death unto Life. Ephesians 2:1. "And you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins." Ephesians 2:5. "Even when we were dead in sins, (God) hath quickened us together with Christ." Colossians 2:13, I Timothy 5:6. And it has already been pointed out that all are born in sin. Thus, the necessity of the new birth is easily seen. Furthermore, the Bible says that "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them for they are spiritually discerned." I Corinthians 2:14. The Bible also says that "in the flesh dwelleth no good thing." Romans 7:18, and that "They that are in the flesh cannot please God." Romans 8:8. One must be born of the Spirit, to be a child of God, and to please God. To be born of the flesh does not mean in the least that one is born of the Spirit. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:6.

C. How can We Experience This New Birth?

John 1:12 tells us "As many as received Him (Christ) to them gave He power to become the sons (children) of God, even to them that believe on His name." Then we must receive Christ, accept Him as our personal Saviour the One who shed His blood to atone for our sin.

Faith that Christ is able to save, and repentance of sin, must precede conversion. "Without faith it is impossible to please God." "He that cometh to God must believe that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6. One must believe from the heart head faith is not sufficient. "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness." Romans 10:8-10. As for repentance, "God commandeth all men everywhere to repent." Acts 17:30. "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation." II Corinthians 7:9-10. The words of the publican express the thought, "God be merciful to me a sinner." Luke 18:13. "Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out." Acts 3:19. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I John 1:9. "The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son cleanseth us from all sin." Those who believe that Christ died for them and truly repent, and believe that His blood cleanses from all sin, and receive Christ as their personal Saviour, will experience this new birth will be born of God. They will be new creatures in Christ, "and old things will pass away and behold all things will become new." II Corinthians 5:17. Christ liveth in them. Galatians 2:20. And they "shall not come into condemnation (judgment) but are passed from death unto life" John 5:24.

One of the most wonderful facts about this salvation is that it is for everyone. "God is no respecter of persons" Acts 10:34. "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:21. "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37. Revelation 3:20; 22:17.

There is only one way to be sure of heaven -- that is to be saved. If you do not know you are saved, it is a sure sign that you are not, for we can know that we are saved, and we can know Christ as our personal Saviour. I John 5:10. "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself." Romans 8:1-16. "The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God."

Dear reader, there is no middle territory, you are either saved or you are not saved. The Bible says, "No servant can serve two masters . . . ye cannot serve God and mammon." Luke 16:13, Christ said, "He that's not with me is against me," Luke 11:23. "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey: whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" Romans 6:16.

The Bible also says, "Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve." Joshua 24:15. "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." "Today if ye hear His voice, harden not your hearts." Hebrews 3:7. Do not postpone accepting Christ. "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near." Isaiah 55:6. "Ye know not what shall be on the morrow." James 4:14. "Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." Matthew 24:44


(A) I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, the Son of God who died for my sins, and by His grace I will serve Him faithfully. John 1:12-13. "But as many as received Him (Christ) to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on

His name; Which were born . . . of God."

Name ________________________

Date _________________________

Place _________________________

(B) I do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and I reject Him as my Saviour.

John 12:48. "He that rejecteth Me (Christ), and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him at the last day."

Name __________________________________

Date ___________________________________

Place ___________________________________

The following references have led thousands to Christ and Heaven -- they will do the same for you.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

I John 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. (9) If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."