. . . "Man dieth . . . and where is he?" This question, uttered by Job, the patriarch, is not an unusual one. It is on the lips and in the hearts of multitudes of people. Everywhere people are wondering about the dead they are asking a thousand and one questions What is the final destiny of man? Does he become non-existent at death, or does the real personality survive? If so, Where is he? Is he conscious? Under what conditions does he exist? Is any communica- tion possible? And will separation from loved ones be forever?

It is useless to tell man not to ask these questions. He is sure to ask them he cannot but ask them. From the beginning of time questions pertaining to the dead have troubled the minds of men. They were asked at the very first burial, and they have been the universal heart-cry of humanity ever since. Who is the one who has not desired to know all he can about what takes place after death? Certainly that one cannot be found. The late Andrew Carnegie even went so far as to offer $1,000,000 to the one who could prove to his satisfaction the reality of life beyond this one.

Dear reader, are you going to be satisfied merely to place the label "mysteries" upon these questions, and let them go at that? Certainly not! Where then, can we find satisfactory answers to such great ques- tions? Can science answer them? No, science cannot tell us if there is life beyond the grave Science cannot tell us where our loved ones are and what their condition is. Even the wisest philosopher on earth gives us only guesses when we stand before the closed door of the tomb and ask the question, "Where are the dead?"

Now then, could it be possible that we are left without answers to the greatest questions that confront mankind? No, not at all. The answers are found in the Bible - God's Word is the only source for information in answering these questions - we must turn to divine revelation.

In the Holy Scriptures, the Creator not only reveals the origin and nature of man, but He also reveals the destiny of man. God's Word clearly answers these great questions, and there can be no doubt in our minds in regard to the dead, if we but study the Bible and accept its plain statements.

Millions of people have been anxious to learn what the Bible teaches concerning the dead, but for various reasons a great many of them never had the opportunity of acquiring this knowledge Countless thousands have never received instruction on this important subject from their pastors and consequently, they either have been forced to draw their own conclusions, or have remained in doubt concerning the dead. Others never have had the opportunity of learning this truth because they have never happened to come in contact with books which could give them a detailed Bible explanation regarding the dead.

There has been very little orthodox material published on this subject A few pages on this theme are found printed in large doctrine books and occasionally portions of the teaching are found published in one book with various other kinds of materials, but there has been no publication devoted to the one subject that has been complete and thorough in its teaching. There are pamphlets, leaflets, tracts, etc. that are devoted wholly to the Bible teaching concerning the dead but the writers have limited themselves to such very few pages that it has been impossible for them to give complete and thorough studies on such an important theme.

There has been a great need for a book that is devoted wholly to the one subject, one that is large enough to give a thorough and detailed study, and one that is within the reach of all who may desire to learn the Bible teaching.

Since the public has many questions about the dead, and inasmuch as their opportunity to learn has been small, a so-called "Bible Teacher" by the name of Judge Rutherford has taken advantage of the fact and has answered the demand of the public by publishing low-priced books which are supposed to be scriptural. The country is literally flooded with his books, teaching that the dead are entirely unconscious that they are out of existence until the resurrection that there is no hell, and that all the unrighteous who die will sometime later have an opportunity to be saved.

Thousands have accepted this false doctrine as though it were gospel truth merely because his books contain a few scripture verses which make them appear as fundamental and orthodox.

In order to arrive at a better understanding of the true Bible teaching regarding the dead, first it will be necessary to present briefly a sum- mary of this false teaching. In this way the true and the false maybe compared.

This erroneous teaching concerning the dead is set forth in the false system commonly known as "Russellism." This system was inaugurated by the late Charles T. Russell who wrote six volumes entitled "Studies in the Scriptures." The movement is now carried on by Judge Rutherford and his followers, known as "Jehovah's Witnesses," "Watch Tower Workers," etc. Rutherford, the successor to Russell, holds to the general outline of teaching as given by Russell in his six volumes.



Rutherford says, "No man has a soul." He declares "the preachers have made the people believe that a man carries a soul around in him and that when he dies the soul hikes off to some other place."

Here is Russell's definition of death: "Death is a period of absolute non-existence."

Again Judge R utherford says speaking of sinners: "They are entirely "'unconscious in the grave. They are not suffering because they do not exist." In another place. "He is unconscious and would remain out of existence forever if God had not made some provision for his recovery." (the provision, according to this false teaching, is the resurrection and [second chance.)

The Seventh Day Adventists also teach that "The state to which we are reduced by death is one of silence, inactivity, and entire unconsciousness."


Russellism teaches that those who die will be raised spirit-beings. (It teaches that the apostles and all true Christians who died prior to 1878 were resurrected in the spring of that year. They were raised as spirit-beings without bodies. It teaches that the wicked dead will be resurrected to a SECOND CHANCE.

Men will be given a second chance for salvation during the Millen- nium. (Russell's "Studies in the Scriptures" vol. I, p. 106, 107,111, 129).

Second Trial will be more favorable than the first, (vol. I, p. 143.) Christ's work on the cross simply guarantees a second chance (vol. 1, p. 143).

Should Nero during the millennium become obedient, he will be saved, will be highly respected and his past forgotten, (vol. 6, p. 178).


God is too good to sustain an everlasting hell (vol. I, p. 127).

The penalty of the second chance for life will be the second death, which is annihilation, (vol. I, p. 151).

Hell fire is symbolic of the destroying of error and the purifying of faith (vol. I, p. 320).

Death, the extinction of being, is the punishment of willful sinners. (vol. 3, p. 117).

This brief summary gives us a practical understanding of the here- after as it is erroneously taught in Russell's and Rutherford's books.

Now, dear reader, perhaps you can better understand the purpose in publishing this book. The false teachings that at death man becomes nonexistent - that there is no hell - that there is a second chance after the resurrection, have deceived too many people. Therefore it is the purpose of the author to give within the reach of all, a complete and thorough book devoted wholly to the true Bible teaching regarding the dead.