The false system called "Russellism" has been known by various names. Originally it was called "Millennial Dawn," but as soon as literature was circulated, which exposed it, "Pastor" Russell, the founder of the movement, changed the name to "Watch Tower and Tract Society." Next it was known as "People's Pulpit Association," and soon after as "The Brooklyn Tabernacle." In the last days of "Pastor" Russell, it became "International Bible Students Association." In 1916, when "Judge" Rutherford was given control of the movement, he conceived the idea of making every member of the organization believe himself to be one of Jehovah's final witnesses to the nations. Therefore the movement became "Jehovah's Witnesses."

Russell wrote six volumes, known as "Studies in the Scriptures." Here is what he says about his six volumes. The following is taken from his paper (Watch Tower, September 15, 1910).

"People cannot see the divine plan by studying the Bible alone. We find also that if anyone lays the Scripture studies aside, even after he has become familiar with them, and ignores them, and goes to the Bible alone, our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he has merely read the Scripture studies with their references, and has not read a page of the Bible as such, he would be in the light at the end of two years."

On Page 12 of his first volume he says:

"We divest our minds of all prejudice and remember that no one can know more about the plans of God than He has revealed in His word."

On Page 348 he concludes:
"Be it known that no other system of theology ever claims or ever has attempted to harmonize in itself every statement of the Bible, and yet nothing short of this we can claim." From this it seems that Russell believed God entrusted to him alone the stupendous responsibility of correctly interpreting the Scrip- tures for humanity. Such a claim should at once arouse the suspicion of any reader. Rutherford, the successor to Russell, holds to the general outline of teaching as given by Russell in these six volumes. In the book entitled "Creation," Rutherford says, "Because it was the Lord's due time to restore these truths, He used Chas. T. Russell to write and publish books known as 'Studies in the Scriptures' by which the great fundamental truths of the divine plan are clarified." When we examine Russell's statements in the light of God's Word, we soon learn that instead of being "Great Fundamental Truths," as Rutherford calls them, they are "Great Fundamental Errors."


The following are statements from the books entitled "Studies in the Scriptures" by Charles T. Russell.

Errors in Regard to the Trinity of the Godhead

"There is no authority in the Word for the doctrine of the trinity of the Godhead." (Volume 4, pages 54, 60)

"Acceptance of the doctrine of the Trinity is based upon the superstitious fear inculcated by the Roman clergy and later by the Protestant clergy." Volume 5, page 64)

"Trinity of the Godhead suited well the dark ages which it helped to produce." (Volume 5, page 166)

"None of the apostles ever intimated the equality of the Father and Son." (Volume 5, page 53)

Errors of Russellism Concerning

"Our Lord was originally a spirit being. In order to ransom man, his nature was changed. He has now been made partaker of the divine nature and is a spirit of the highest order." (Volume I, page 177)

"Jesus was not a combination of human and divine. When he was in the flesh he was a human being. He has now been made a perfect spirit being." (Volume I, page 179)

"He did not receive a divine nature until his death." (extinction of being). (Volume I, page 179; Volume 5, page 110)

"Jesus no longer exists in human form." (verse 2, page 107). "His body when put in the tomb may have dissolved into gases, or may be preserved somewhere as a memorial." (Volume 2, page 129)

"Jesus is a god, but not God" (Volume 5, pages 55, 84, 134)

"Jesus' suffering would not pay the debt of sin." (Volume 5, page 127)

Errors of Russellism Concerning the

"The disposition or power of God." (Volume 5, page 168)

"Holy Spirit is not a person in the Godhead." (Volume 5, page 169)

"Holy Spirit is a divine influence." (Volume 5, page 172)

"There is no personal Holy Spirit." (Volume 5, page 210)

Errors of Russellism Concerning the

"One unforfeited life could redeem one forfeited life but no more. The Man Christ Jesus redeems Adam." (Volume I, page 133)

"Christ gave himself a ransom that he might give to every man an individual trial for life. The ransom does not guarantee everlasting life to any man but guarantees a second chance." (Volume I, page 150)

"It was not Christ's pain and suffering in dying but his extinction of being, that is the penalty of sin." (Volume I, page 154)

"The atonement will not be completed until the close of the millennium." (Volume 5, pages 20, 29)

"It was not necessary that Christ should be wounded or his blood shed. The penalty for sin was his cessation of being," (Volume 5, page 443)

"The man Jesus suffered everlasting destruction." (Volume 5, page 466)

Errors of Russellism Concerning

"Man by reason of present experience with sin will be fully forewarned, and when granted a second chance, we may be sure only a few will receive the penalty, annihilation." (Volume I, page 150)

"Man by sin did not lose a heavenly paradise, but only an earthly one." (Volume I, page 177)

"At the close of the millennium all will have learned the lesson of the sinfulness of sin." (Volume 5, page 31)

"The wages of sin is not suffering, but extinction of being." (Volume 5, page 127)

Errors of Russellism Concerning

"Men will be given a second chance for salvation during the millennium." (Volume I, pages 106, 107, 111, 129)

"God has not placed the race on trial with the alternative of eternal hell." (Volume I, page 127).

"All will enjoy during the millennium, a full opportunity to gain everlasting life under favorable terms." (Volume I, page 130). "Second trial will be more favorable than the first." (Volume I, page 143)

"Christ's work on the cross simply guarantees a second chance." (Volume I, page 150)

"God's plan of salvation for the race of Adam is to extend to each member of it during the millennium, the offer of eternal life upon terms of a new covenant." (Volume 5, page 402)

"Should Nero, during the millennium become obedient, he will be saved, will be highly respected and his past forgotten." (Volume 6, page 178)

"Life is God's gift, and death (annihilation) is the penalty he prescribes." (Volume I, page 128)

Errors of Russellism Concerning

"The judgment means simply a trial for life." (Volume I, page 128)

"There is nothing to dread about the judgment. All may look forward with joy to the judgment day." (Volume I, page 142)

"The second trial of life, by mistranslation, is turned into fearful impreca- tion." (Volume I, page 147)

"The day of judgment is one thousand years long. It is the world's trial day." (Volume I, back of book)

Errors of Russellism Concerning

"God is too good to sustain an everlasting hell." (Volume I, page 127)

"Eternal torture is nowhere taught in the Bible." (Volume I, page 12)

"The penalty of the second chance for life will be the second death, which is annihilation." (Volume I, page 151)

"Hell fire is symbolic of the destroying of error and the purifying of faith." (Volume I, page 320)

"Death, extinction of being, is the punishment of willful sinners." (Volume 3, page 117)

"Those who die will be raised spirit beings." (Volume I, page 235)

"The progress of resurrection will be gradual, requiring one thousand years. Not until the close will the race have attained the complete measure of life lost in Adam." (Volume I, page 289)

"In the spring of 1878 those of the gospel age who died were resurrected. They are now present in the earth." (Volume 3, page 234)


Those who accept such teaching should be prepared to sign the following denial of the Christian Faith: (The Scripture references expose these errors.) Lh" ~

"I deny the Trinity of the Godhead (Matthew 28:19; 3:16; 17). I deny the essential Deity of Jesus Christ (John 14:9; 1:14; 20:31). I deny the personality of the Holy Ghost (John 16:13). I deny the necessity of the sufferings of Jesus Christ as a propitiation for sin (Hebrews 9:22; I Peter 1:18, 19; Hebrews 10:12). I deny the condemnation of sin in this life in order to be saved hereafter (John 3:3, 5; Titus 3:5). I deny the danger of judgment after death (Hebrews 9:27). I deny the future and eternal punishment of sinners (Matthew 25:46; Revelation 20:12-15). I deny a literal and bodily resurrection of the saints (I Corinthians 15:12-18; I Thessalonians 4:16, 17).


(Can you sign it?)

The principal doctrines held by Russell are now advanced by "Judge" Rutherford. The promotion of these theories has resulted in the sale of millions of books in which Rutherford has built up his own systems of prophetic interpretation, going beyond what was taught by Russell in the original six volumes. His interpretations are so many and so fantastic that it would be impossible to deal with them in this book.

In the outset of one of Rutherford's books, "Prophecy," he tells us that "no man can interpret prophecy." He then gives the most fanciful interpretations that we have in circulation today.

He declares that the Lord came in 1874, but the real work of restoration began in 1878 and continued until 1918. In 1914, according to his teaching, Christ is said to have taken His throne with full authority as King over the earth. "The kingdoms of this world became the kingdom of our Lord" in 1914 when the nations went to war. That year is said to have been the close of Satan's rule, but from all indications, it appears that his activities have not been restrained in the least. The Bible makes it plain that Satan must be bound and put in the bottomless pit before Christ's reign will begin (Revelation 20, 1:3). Satan's activities are more vigorous today than ever before because he knows his time is short. Revelation 12:12.

Christ said, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Matthew 24:4. Many false prophets shall arise and deceive many." (verse 11.) Certainly Russellism and Rutherfordism is one of the heresies foretold in God's Word. (1 Timothy 4:11; II Peter 2:1-2; Matthew 24:11, 24).

After reviewing some of the cardinal points of this false system, how refreshing it is to turn back to the simple statemetns of the Word of God. Our Bible invites all to come directly to its own pages and promises illumination by the Holy Spirit to all who humbly seek enlightenment.